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Color Design Guide: Purple Kitchen Decor Ideas

Purple Kitchen Ideas

Here are the questions you need to ask yourself when designing a purple kitchen.

How Much Purple?

You could go all out, and paint all of the walls and even the ceiling purple. Or you could create a more toned down purple kitchen by painting all of the walls white, and then decorate the space with purple feature pieces.

What Shade of Purple?

The shade of purple you choose for your kitchen will really make a difference on how the space will look and feel. A light purple paint color will make the kitchen feel bright, spacious, and airy. While a dark purple will make the kitchen feel cozy and luxurious.

Purple kitchen walls and decor ideas

Which Pieces Should Be Purple?

If you are going with a white base for your kitchen, here are some ideas for what decor pieces in the space could be purple to create the overall purple color scheme for the kitchen:

  • A purple tile backsplash
  • Purple cabinet doors – check out my post on DIY closet doors to find ideas on how to give your kitchen cabinet doors a make over.
  • A purple area rug can be placed under a kitchen table if you have one
  • If you have any curtains these could be purple
  • Even purple hand towels help style a kitchen purple
  • If you have any pendant lights or table lamps, these could have purple lamp shades

Here are some other posts to get ideas from:

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April 25, 2016 in Color Palettes, Kitchen
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