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Work and Design: Sewing Room Decor Ideas

Sewing Room Decor Ideas

A lot of your workspace, equipment, and materials can be turned into decor features for your sewing room. For example a mood board can also act as a wall decor feature just by putting a great frame around it. Or how about putting up rows of clipboards to hang up your mood board pieces?

The great thing about a sewing workspace is that you’ll have a lot of colorful fabric around. This can be hidden away in draws or cupboards. Or they can be stored in a way that displays them in the room like in picture (1). How about using ladders to hang the fabric on, or using open furniture like cubby holes/closets, shelves, or vintage baskets (2) where you can store your fabric in the open. Have a look at our sewing room storage post here for more ideas.

Another idea is to have your thread out in the open too, just like in picture (3). Have a look at our sewing room designs post and check out the photo of the thread spools hanging up on the wall in a frame. It is one thing to have all of these colorful threads and fabrics out in the open, but if you color coordinate everything (group colors together) it will look even better.

If you have some great looking tools, these can be stored and displayed out in the open too – just like the scissors hanging and decorating the wall in picture (4). If you don’t have any, check out Etsy for some vintage sewing tools that you can use as decoration pieces – things like scissors, measuring tapes, an antique sewing machine, and vintage spools of thread (5).

Other sewing room decor ideas and accessories include having an elegant chandelier hanging down and lighting up the room (6). Or how about having a vintage mannequin/dress form standing by your sewing work area (7)1/2/3/4/5/6/7

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April 14, 2013 in Decor, Home Office


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